Tuesday, May 27, 2014


This was going to be a sunflower. Personally, I think sunflower sprouts are bitter, astringent, and basically awful. I hope this bird or groundhog friend decides the same, before she eats them all.

PLANTS ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY IN THE GROUND! I will relish the feeling of having been behind, once I'm no longer behind. Time could really slow down a bit; that would be alright, but I'm also pretty ready for these stick-like objects to burst into bloom.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Been Makin' Stuff

. . . like a half-dozen big bouquets for the annual Troy BID meeting at the Historical Society,

and a parade of tiny bottles for the opening of the Fort Orange General Store,
and a corsage for a friend's son's prom,

and a flower crown for a first communion, which just looks so damn good,

on all the heads.

And also a boutonniere and corsage for a special anniversary. Unphotographed, as yet.

Please, send more requests my way!

( . . . also here is a picture of my brother with his Great Dane in a wheelbarrow, for yr viewing enjoyment: )

Thanks, everybody!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


My mom is amazing. She's an expert quilter, a grower of gardens, a marathon runner, and recently a PhD. She paints rooms on a whim. She's owned the same sweatshirt, a sweatshirt I've tried to steal about a hundred times, for over twenty years.

(not the sweatshirt)

She made my dresses when I was a kid, and offered to make another just the other day. She's listened to my Flower Scout worries and jumped in with scissors and advice, even when I was like PLEASE MOM LET ME DO IT MYSELF. Because I am a stubborn jerk.

We've always gotten my mom a tree or bush for Mothers' Day: a flowering cherry, a magnolia, a Japanese maple, etc. Flowers and plants are a good thing for moms. Guaranteed success.

(My mom is also a procrastinator, a trait I not only inherited but somehow magnified. Hence the last minute-ness of this post.)

AND SO: I have a bunch of extra seedlings, over at the Flower Scout homestead. These plants have been lovingly cared for, as you may have read about in previous posts. And they're selling for the low low price of:

$5 a six-pack, if your momma's got a garden to stick 'em in, or

  or $20 a pre-arranged pot, for fire escape container gardens, staircases, windowboxes, etc.

Available varieties include two kinds of cosmos, zinnias, Thai basil, marigolds, nigella, and others.

Each will be followed up by an informational email, telling you & yr mom all about the variety you've chosen.

WIN SOME MOM POINTS! Email me today/tomorrow, and we'll work something out for you. flowerscoutfarm@gmail.com